Chinese translation for "evening bell"
- 晚钟
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | How moving the scene there in the gathering twilight , the last glimpse of erin , the touching chime of those evening bells and at the same time a bat flew forth from the ivied belfry through the dusk , hither , thither , with a tiny lost cry 暮色苍茫,这片景色是多么地动人啊。爱琳那最后一抹姿容,晚钟60那扣人心弦的合奏同时从爬满常春藤的钟楼里飞出一只蝙蝠,穿过黄昏,东飞西飞,发出微弱的哀鸣。 | | 2. | The representative scenic spots are : sunrise at tiantai platform , evening bell of huacheng temple , sitting on east stone with pleasure , fairy mark of tianzhu , taoyan waterfall , clouds around lotus peak , snow at pinggang , moon reflected in shu pond , sound of jiuzhi spring , mountains at five streams , longchi waterfall , bamboos in minyuan garden , ganlu temple , mokong palace , flowers at hua platform , lion peaks , blue valley , fish - and - dragon cave , and phoenix pine 九华山山水风景最著者,旧志载有九华十景:天台晓日化城晚钟东崖晏坐天柱仙踪桃岩瀑布莲峰云海平岗积雪舒潭印月九子泉声五溪山色。此外,还有池飞瀑闵园竹海甘露灵秀摩空梵宫花台锦簇狮子峰林青沟探幽鱼洞府凤凰古松等名胜。 |
- Similar Words:
- "evening and sunday news" Chinese translation, "evening argus" Chinese translation, "evening at the dream bar" Chinese translation, "evening bat" Chinese translation, "evening bats" Chinese translation, "evening bell at nanping hill" Chinese translation, "evening bulletin" Chinese translation, "evening campion" Chinese translation, "evening cape" Chinese translation, "evening chronicle" Chinese translation